BOOKS FOR 0-18 years old!
NOTE: You must be logged in to register.
When: Saturday, February 1st
Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm; last entry at 12:15pm
Where: The Park Slope Library, 431 6th Ave (corner of 9th Street). You’ll go past the front desk and down the stairs on the right.
Cost: $10.00/family, proceeds donated to the Park Slope Library.
When you register, you will choose your entry time--10:30am, 11:15am, or 12:00pm.
Bring children's and YA books ONLY.
PRE-SORT your donations! When you arrive at the swap, you'll put your own books out on the tables, so help us and yourself out by pre-sorting them. Bring nice books! If you wouldn’t give the book as a gift to a finicky friend's child, don't bring it to the swap.
Here are the books we can accept:
Board books
Picture books
Early chapter books
Chapter books
Young adult novels/nonfiction
Young adult graphic novels/anime
ALL languages (German, Italian, Spanish, etc).
Books banned in other states are welcome here!
We are NOT accepting the following (put these on the PSP Classifieds instead):
Pregnancy or parenting books
Games, puzzles, or electronic books
Adult books
Textbooks, workbooks, or test prep books
Kids’ DVDs, video games, CDs, and the like
We will donate the extras to Brooklyn Book Bodega. They cannot accept books in the conditions or featuring the subject matter described below. Please do not bring these types of books to the swap.
- Books with water damage, excessive wear on the spines or covers, scribbles, rips, dirt, mold, or stickers on or inside
- Completed or partially completed activity books
- Books with broken/missing pages
- Books about Colonial or Pioneer America
- Library books and/or books with school or organization stamps and stickers
- Books that are racist and historically inaccurate
- Religious and/or holiday books
- College textbooks or encyclopedias
- Books for adults
You do NOT need a library card to enter. However, while you're here... apply for a library card HERE and you can pick up your card at the time of the swap! (You can also get a replacement.)

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How will it work?
A: You’ll come in and put your items out on the appropriate table. (Unlike our larger swaps, you’ll do this yourself rather than handing in your items to be put out by our team.) If there are too many on the table, put the books under the appropriate table.
Q: What books should I take?
A: Take no more than you bring so that everyone can get great books. Also, only take the books that your kids will need in the next year or so. That is, no need to pick up Harry Potter books for a one-year-old.
NOTE: Please do not “shop” for others. This includes items for non-members and folks outside your immediate family. This swap is to benefit PSP members who have also brought things to swap.
Q: Can I just donate without attending the swap?
A: Yes! You can drop off early at a number of locations (see list below) and donate the week before or day of the swap.
Q: I don’t have childcare for the swap. Can I bring my child?
Last collections are Thursday, January 30th.
362 7th Street, Apt 2 (between 5th & 6th Avenues)
Text Annie at 917-561-5960 to confirm availability
Little Green
447 6th Avenue (between 9th and 10th Streets, across from the Park Slope Library)
M-F 11am-5pm; S-S 10am - 6pm
438 12th Street (between 7th & 8th Avenues) drop off with the doorman
M-F 9:00am - 8:00pm, Sunday 11 - 6pm
214 23rd street (between 4th & 5th Avenues)
Text Dorothy at 718-308-7702 to confirm availability