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PSP Dads Soccer Night: 7:30pm @ Socceroof
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About this event
Join the PSP Dads for our fantastic weekly soccer night at Socceroof, the indoor urban soccer paradise on 53rd and 1st in Sunset Park.
All you have to do is put on your best footie duds and jump on the R Train! They'll pick you up at the 53rd Street Station in their courtesy shuttle and provide the field, bibs, balls, and a full bar after you play.
The game is a super friendly 5 v. 5 pick up match that goes from 7:30 to 9:00 with beers afterwards. The fields and play are great and Socceroof has a wonderful view of lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. All levels are welcome and the game is assured to give you a great workout.
Start time: 7:30pm
Cost: $20, payable to Raphael--see spreadsheet
Please add your email address to any game night on the spreadsheet if you wish to join. Once we see 10 names for a game night we will send a separate email with payment details.
There is limited on street parking available just outside the building and also a shuttle as well (various hours).
NOTE: All who identify as dads welcome

Registration Info
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